Trudy was born in
1962 and died in the winter of 1997 — PILOT, THREE PIES,
Trudy’s birthday
was on the tenth of the month. — MRS. MONK
The only time the 10th falls on a Monday in 2005 is in January
and October. I am inclined to think that Trudy's birthday was
in October. [I am inclined to agree, but that would make her 35
at the time of her death if the November/December 1997 date is
Trudy was the only
child of Dwight and Marsha Ellison — GAME SHOW
Trudy's middle
name is Anne — as seen on gravestone in PILOT
Trudy put a cinnamon
stick in her coffee, a trick she picked up in Spain. — MRS.
Trudy is allergic
to fish. — MRS. MONK
Trudy’s favorite
wine is a 1984 Allacco Cabernet. — GETS DRUNK
Trudy loved to
write poetry. — BACK TO SCHOOL, PLAYBOY, MRS. MONK, etc.
Trudy kept every
promise she ever made — BLACKOUT
Trudy always went
barefoot, even when it was cold out. — BLACKOUT
Trudy’s head
was oval-shaped. — BLACKOUT
Trudy’s favorite
dish is Chicken Cacciatore. — ASYLUM
Trudy's favorite
perfume was Shalimar. — MRS. MONK
Trudy was Willie
Nelson’s biggest fan. — RED-HEADED STRANGER
Trudy used strawberry
shampoo and lilac lotion. — MEDICINE
Trudy’s father
Dwight Ellison is now a successful game show producer. —
Trudy’s mother,
Marsha, is now a grief counselor. — GAME SHOW

She Met Adrian
Trudy attended
Ashton Preparatory School on scholarship. — BACK TO SCHOOL
Trudy’s best
friend in high school was Arleen Cassidy, now vice-principal of
Ashton Preparatory School. — BACK TO SCHOOL
Trudy was the valedictorian
of her class and worked on the yearbook committee. — BACK
Trudy played tennis.
Trudy painted flowers
on the Class of 1977's mural. — BACK TO SCHOOL
Trudy apparently
graduated from Ashton at the age of 15 in 1977. [This conclusion,
drawn from Trudy having painted the flowers in the 1977 senior
class mural, could be erroneous. We know she painted the flowers;
we don’t know she graduated that year.] — BACK TO
Trudy’s favorite
place to write at Ashton was under a certain tree on campus. —
Trudy was quiet,
smart and didn't date much. — BACK TO SCHOOL
Trudy was waiting
for the right man and would know him when she found him. —
Trudy was from
Los Angeles. — GAME SHOW
Trudy was a rock
'n roll fan in her youth. — GAME SHOW
Trudy excelled
in equestrian sports. — GAME SHOW
Trudy had a diary
as a young girl, which had butterflies on the cover. — GAME
Trudy had a golden
retriever named Ginger who died. — GAME SHOW
Trudy attended
the University of California at Berkeley — CLASS REUNION
Trudy's roomate
in first year at college was Dianne Brooks. — CLASS REUNION

She Met Adrian
Trudy fell in love
with Monk when he was a detective, on the street, breaking cases.
Trudy met Adrian
on August 12th (year unspecified) — ASYLUM
Trudy and Adrian
met in the Berkeley Library — CLASS REUNION
Trudy and Adrian
married in the fall (harvest time) of 1990. — GETS DRUNK/OTHER
Trudy and Adrian
honeymooned at the Allacco Inn and Winery. — GETS DRUNK
Trudy worked as
a columnist for The Examiner and as a reporter for The Chronicle,
writing hard-hitting exposes. — BILLIOANIRE MUGGER/ MRS.
Trudy went to Madrid
with Janice Ellinghouse and wrote one story with her. —
Trudy drives very
fast or, at least, Monk thinks so. — GAME SHOW
Trudy loved New
York City. — MANHATTAN
Trudy gave Adrian
a wrist watch which now doesn't work anymore, though he wears
it anyway. — CAPTAIN’S WIFE
Trudy had a keychain
with a "T" on it, which Adrian now uses for his keys.
“Trudy always
said that marriage was 90 percent love and 10 percent forgiveness.
She was married to me, so she was sort of an expert on forgiveness."
Trudy sometimes
calls Adrian 'my darling' — MEDICINE, COBRA
Trudy was engaged
in a legal battle with Dale the Whale in 1993 because she called
him the "Ghengis Khan of Finance" — DALE THE WHALE
Trudy and Adrian
had to sell their starter home (which Dale bought and later used
to store his pornography) to pay the legal fees resulting from
Dale Biederbeck’s lawsuit. — DALE THE WHALE
Trudy and Adrian
had been married 7 years when she was killed. — OTHER WOMAN
Trudy had a separate
office at the time of her death for which she was paying the miniscule
sum of $600 a month. — COBRA
Trudy used to pay
all their bills. —Billionaire Mugger
Trudy’s last
words, according to a paramedic were "Bread and butter."
Trudy was 34 when
she died. "Every time I close my eyes she's there. She is
always wearing the same dress, she is always 34, and she is so…."
[If Trudy was born on October 10th 1962, she must have been killed
before that date in 1997 to be 34 years old at the time of her
death.] — OTHER WOMAN
Trudy has been
dead four years as of 2002 — PILOT
As of October 2005 she has been dead 8 years. — GOES HOME
As of December
2005 she has been dead 9 years. — SECRET SANTA
The man who built
the bomb which killed Trudy was Warrick Tennyson. He said he was
hired by a six-fingered man. — MANHATTAN
The six-fingered
man is revealed to be Frank Nunn. — ON THE RUN: PART I
The Six Fingered
Man was hired by "The Judge" — ON THE RUN: PART
Trudy was buying
cough medicine for Ambrose when she died. That's why she was in
that parking garage or at least that’s what Ambrose thinks.
Trudy lived for
twenty minutes after the car exploded — CAN'T SEE A THING
Trudy's corneas
survived the explosion intact. They were donated to Maria Cordova
Trudy died on December
14th 1997 — UP ALL NIGHT
Trudy’s gravestone
reads: ‘Trudy Anne Monk 1962-1997 Beloved Wife and Daughter.’

of what we know about Trudy's murder
By Olivia

It happened at
9:00 AM and no one else was hurt or killed. This is written in
the headlines of the papers Adrian is going over in “Mr.
Monk and the Candidate”, but the smaller print in the articles
below this doesn’t say anything about her murder. They look
like articles from the financial section, probably just put in
by Monk prop people to have something below the headlines to look

Click on photo
to enlarge
The headlines
Blast Kills
Award Winning Columnist – Trudy Anne Monk was killed
instantly when her car exploded this morning. Nobody else was
hurt, she was 35.
Monk Murder
Still Unsolved – Three months after Trudy Monk was
killed in a car explosion, police are no closer to solving the
crime, says spokesman.
Explosion Rips
Through Parkade Killing One – Unexplained blast at
9 A.M. this morning killed journalist Trudy Anne Monk, police
have no explanation. (This article has no date on it: neither
did any of the others.)

Wife Slain – Decorated detective in shock after hearing
No Links To
Other Car Bombing Suspected – Detective Adrian Monk
of the San Francisco Police has failed to produce evidence linking
Monk car bombing with drug cartel.
The parking spot
was number B5, or close to B5, as indicated by the post in the
background of the photos of the scene.
She was somewhere
near a drug store, picking up medicine for Ambrose (THREE PIES).
The trigger was a cell phone. I assume that the killer set the
bomb off by dialing the number. Considering this, I think it is
likely that the person wanted to be certain that Trudy was the
victim, probably to be sure she was the only victim. He/she wanted
complete control over when the bomb went off. He/she possibly
even followed Trudy to know exactly when was the best time to
plant the bomb and to detonate it.
We don't know if
the parking garage where Warwick Tennyson met Frank to deliver
the bomb is the same garage where Trudy was murdered. [I don’t
think there is any reason to assume it is.] The detonation method
was given to us by Warrick Tennyson in “Manhattan.”
Also we learned from him that a six fingered man named Frank hired
him, paid him $2000, and met him in a parking garage. [USA Network’s
Monk episode guide refers to the six-fingered man as Frank. In
the episode as aired, Tennyson calls him a "freak."
He does not say "Frank."] The amount of plastique used
has been mentioned, but is inconsistent (10lbs in “Manhattan”,
3lbs in “Theater.”)
There was another
car bombing in the Bay Area close to the same time, which Monk
couldn't link to Trudy's bombing. This to me seems very odd. Car
bombing shouldn't be that common, should they? Two car bombings
in a short period of time in the same area would usually indicate
a link, unless the second one was a copy-cat or done to make the
police think it was related to the first bombing. The parking
level Trudy was on was underground, I believe, because Sharona's
vehicle in “The Candidate” was pointed downward when
she was going to pick him up and Benjy asked what Monk was doing.
You could assume that all or most parking garages in San Francisco
are underground, but I don't think that's likely. [Not only likely,
but absolutely true.]
We know from “Employee
of the Month” that Joe Christie, Adrian's partner, was with
him when the call came through about Trudy's murder and that Adrian
was laughing when the phone rang, but no one has seen him laugh
since. So we know that someone was with him and can confirm his
whereabouts when it happened, as well as his reaction to the news.
In “Dale
the Whale”, Dale said that her last words, according to
the coroner's inquest, were “bread and butter” and
he taunted Adrian about it, wondering what it meant and if it
was a message to him. Adrian later told Sharona that this was
something Trudy always said when they were holding hands but had
to let go for a moment because someone walked between them or
a pole was in their path. He thought it meant she was trying to
tell him she had to let go for a little while but it wouldn't
be forever. I don't think most people think of the phrase this
way, to mean this. I have more often heard it to mean where the
money they live on comes from, like her and Adrian's jobs were
their bread and butter, just as an example.
[From the Word, in response to a
reader’s question on the origin of the phrase “bread
and butter” with this meaning:
I'm glad you asked
this question, because I have heard this odd phrase from my wife
for more than 25 years. We will be walking down the street, and
every time we are separated by an obstruction in our path (parking
meter, movie star, alien spacecraft, whatever), she will demand
that I say "bread and butter." Until now I presumed
that this quaint ritual was a throwback to her childhood spent
in short-order diners, but apparently this "bread and butter"
business is more widespread than I had thought.
But it's not so widespread
as to be well-documented, evidently. Only one source (the Dictionary
of American Regional English, or DARE) of many that I checked
even mentioned the phrase. DARE explains it as "an exclamation
used when two people walking together are momentarily separated
by someone or something coming between them." The earliest
citation listed by DARE is from The Federal Writers Project "Guide
to Kansas" published in 1939, where the "bread and butter"
ritual is described as a "ubiquitous" incantation among
schoolchildren of the area. If it was ubiquitous in 1939, the
ritual is probably much older, possibly dating back to at least
the 19th century.
"Bread and butter"
is not listed in one place I hoped to find it, Iona and Peter
Opie's "The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren" (Oxford
University Press, 1959). As this extraordinarily fine volume (now,
unbelievably, out of print) covers only the British Isles, "bread
and butter" may be a native American creation.
As to its meaning,
I think it's simply one of a number of rituals children follow,
on the order of "step on a crack and break your mother's
back," designed to invoke magical protection from bad luck.
In this case, the fact that bread and butter "go together"
gives the ritual power an affirmation of togetherness, lest a
momentary separation be an omen of permanent one.
I first heard the
phrase with this meaning in a Twilight Zone episode. I believe
it’s the episode “The Incredible World of Horace Ford”
starring Pat Hingle. When he walks between two young lovers they
say the phrase and then clasp hands again. As soon as I heard
Dale say it, I associated the phrase with this usage, which agrees
with the one above.]
In “Goes
to Jail,” Dale said that the bomb that killed Trudy was
meant for her, not Adrian, even though Adrian always believed
it was meant for him. [Of course, there’s always the possibility
that Dale was lying.] Dale also told Adrian to go to New York
to find Warrick Tennyson because he had information about and
was “involved” in Trudy's death.
[In "On the
Run: Parts I & II " we learn that the six fingered man
who hired Tennyson, is Frank Nunn. He had been out of the country
since Trudy's death. Dale the Whale knows who he is and lures
him back, ostensibly to kill the govenor, but mainly to be killed
so that Adrian can be set up for his murder. Later, when Monk
has been cleared, they discover papers while searching Nunn's
apartment which state that he was hired by "The Judge"
to kill Trudy. Dale claims not to know the judge's identity.]
From “Billionaire
Mugger” we find out that a scrap of paper from Trudy’s
appointment book for the day before she died read, '530 Kelly
Street, Mr. Simon.' Adrian initially assumed it meant an address,
but every year (presumably about the same date) he realizes that
it might have meant 5:30 as a time and Kelly Street as a person.
He goes to the home of a woman named Kelly Street, but then blocks
it out of his memory.

Kelly Street Paper
Click on photo to enlarge
In this episode,
the door is answered by Ms. Street's sister, who I assumed hadn't
met him before because she didn't seem to remember him. Maybe
she was visiting that year? She tells Adrian that Mr. Simon was
her sister's dog and Kelly hadn't been able to bury him so she
had him stuffed. Maybe Trudy was doing a story about that, because
it is something people might consider strange. Then Kelly comes
in and tells Monk that he's been back every year to ask about
his wife's murder, but he doesn't remember.
Trudy’s last
entry into her appointment book is the one about Kelly Street.
We aren’t given any information about what, if anything,
Monk might have found out on previous visits that he may now be
blocking out.
Also on the scrap
of paper is a note in red ink 'P/U Dry Cleaning' and in sort of
lighter black ink 'Quincey's B-day.' (Assuming this is how they
know it was for the day before her murder, different inks indicate
notes were written at different times, with different pens.) Finally,
in darker black ink, '530 Kelly Street' is written. Justbelow
that in the same ink, parallel to this is what looks like 're.'
with most of what follows missing. Then below that, same ink,
but on the line rather slanted across the page are the words 'Mr.
Simon'. I wonder if this indicates that it was written at a different
time from the note above it about Kelly Street.
Among the things
that Adrian has at his home as evidence, besides the scrap from
the appointment book:
A watch
Newspaper clippings
from the days or weeks after the murder
Photos of the crime
Copies of the police
click on photos
to enlarge
One Forensics lab
report says that they also recovered hair, her watch, contents
of her purse and clothing fragments and has the date on the report
as 11/11/97. [This date would not correspond to her being born
on October 10 in 1962 and being 34 at the time of her death. She
would have been 35. It also contradicts the December 14th date
of death given in "Mr. Monk is Up All Night".] Also
listed on the forensic's report besides the hair, clothing fragments,
watch and purse contents was 1.5 cm. of red wire.

That's Trudy's grave, isn't
it?— Dr. Lancaster
"Mr. Monk Goes to the Asylum"